Photo Change

Photo Change

You can submit up to PHOTOS to add to you listing prior to the property being listed on the MLS.
You can add additional photos to your listing for a fee of $5 per photo. There is a limit of 50 photos per MLS listing.

Photo changes once the property has been listed on the MLS are $5 per photo. This includes adding photos, removing photos, or changing the order of the photos.

If your property has already been listed on the MLS and you want to add photos, remove photos, or make any other photo changes, go to to place an order.


If you want your photos in a specific order on the MLS, you must “rename” each photo file by number in the order you want them to appear. For example: 1Front.jpg, 2Kitchen.jpg, 3LivingRoom.jpg OR 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg.

When we download the photos you send us, they are automatically saved by numerical or alphabetical order of the photo file name. That is the order they will be uploaded to the MLS.

  • All photos must be in JPG format. The MLS does not accept photos in any other format.
  • All photos must be emailed to either as an attachment or in a zip file. We do not accept photos by text. We can accept photos via a direct link but we will not join websites or apps to download photos. We would need to have a direct link to them without creating a login or account to access them. You can send them in several emails if your email account does not allow large files. Be sure to include your property address in the subject line or body of the email so we know which property the photos go with.
  • A photo of the front exterior must be the main photo. The MLS requires at least the main photo be added at the time your property is listed on the MLS.
  • Photos should be a minimum size of 640 x 480 pixels.
  • Do not use any symbols (#, &, etc.) as part of the file name of the photos.
  • No real estate signs or any other signs are permitted in any photos or virtual tours.
  • The MLS does not allow the following editing to photos:  Adding words or phrases, frames, personal/company watermarks.
  • To avoid any confusion, only send the photos you are adding to your listing.
  • Seller warrants that all photos provided to Broker belong to Seller or Seller has permission from the rightful owner to use the photos. No photos, virtual tour or any electronic media may be reused from other agents’ previous listings unless written permission has been granted from the prior listing agent/broker.

Panoramic photos  tend to be distorted by the MLS and should be avoided.

Photos should be horizontal (landscape) as shown below. The MLS system will try to make all photos the same size which may result in Vertical (portrait) photos being cropped or rotated in a horizontal (landscape) position appearing sideways on the MLS.



Office/Phone Hours
Monday – Friday: 10 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 2 pm
Call/Text: 734-219-5615

Modern Way Realty, LLC | Michigan License #6505410245

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Michigan REALTORS® | National Association of REALTORS®